Call For Papers: Workshop on SOC Operations and Construction
(WOSOC) 2023

Security Operations Centers (SOC) are a field of growing interest for both researchers and SOC operators.  SOC operators are increasingly recognized as a distinct class of security professionals who need tools and practices that address the distinct challenges and insights of their discipline. In parallel to this increased professionalization by the operational community is an increased interest in the academic community: researchers are studying SOC processes, workflows and training. The WOSOC workshop will serve as a common forum for both of these distinct groups to interact, present and cross-pollinate ideas across this young field.

Areas of Interest

  • SOC design and construction
  • SOC workflow and operations
  • Alert management, triage and prioritization
  • Incident response case studies
  • Network management techniques for encrypted traffic flows
  • Increasing SOC efficiency through automation
  • Threat hunting
  • Operational visualization and data summarization
  • Intelligence gathering, enrichment, and operations


WOSOC will accept short papers and talk proposals. We encourage researchers to submit short papers on ongoing or planned work that can be read by participants in advance of the event, and encourage operators to submit talk proposals to share insights, case studies and novel ideas. The 2023 workshop will schedule 20 minute slots for all speakers, broken into a 15 minute talk followed by a 5 minute Q&A period.

Submit papers and proposals (pdf or text format) to the WOSOC 2023 hotCRP site.

Submission Instructions – Short Papers

WOSOC short papers can cover emerging research, work in progress and position papers. Short papers must be between 4-8 pages excluding references. Papers must be submitted in Portable Document Format (.pdf). 

To submit a paper, use the WOSOC 2023 hotCRP site.

Papers must use the NDSS templates. Papers must be formatted for US letter size (not A4) paper in a two-column layout, with columns no more than 9.25 in. high and 3.5 in. wide. The text must be in Times font, 10-point or larger, with 11-point or larger line spacing.

Submission Instructions – Talk Proposals

WOSOC talk proposals are intended to provide operational personnel a mechanism to discuss SOC-related topics at the workshop. Talk proposals must be submitted in text format. 

Submit proposals to the WOSOC hotCRP site.

Talk proposals should be submitted in plain text and contain the following information:

  • Title of the talk 
  • A single paragraph abstract; this abstract will be published in the pre-proceedings upon acceptance 
  • One-two paragraphs outlining the talk 
  • A speaker biography and affiliation

Important Dates

  • Paper submissions due: January 13, 2023 AoE
  • Talk proposals due: January 13, 2023 AoE
  • Notification to authors: February 3, 2023 AoE
  • Camera ready: February 10, 2023 AoE
  • NDSS 2023: February 27 – March 3, 2023

Program Co-Chairs

  • Michael Collins, USC-ISI
  • Nolen Scaife, Walmart

Program Committee

  • Alefiya Hussain, USC-ISI
  • Stephen Schwab, USC-ISI
  • Dan Massey, USC-ISI 
  • Wes Hardaker, USC-ISI
  • Ganesh Sankaran, USC-ISI
  • David Balenson, USC-ISI
  • Xinming Ou, University of South Florida
  • Scott Tousley, IT Cadre
  • Scott Rose, NIST
  • Kevin Butler, University of Florida
  • Josiah Dykstra, NSA

Further Information

Questions about the workshop, suitability of topics and other issues should be emailed to