The Network and Distributed System Security Symposium fosters information exchange among researchers and practitioners of network and distributed system security. The target audience includes those interested in practical aspects of network and distributed system security, with a focus on actual system design and implementation. A major goal is to encourage and enable the Internet community to apply, deploy, and advance the state of available security technologies.

Technical papers and panel proposals are solicited. All submissions will be reviewed by the Program Committee and accepted submissions will be published by the Internet Society in the Proceedings of NDSS 2017. The Proceedings will be made freely accessible from the Internet Society webpages. Furthermore, permission to freely reproduce all or parts of papers for noncommercial purposes is granted provided that copies bear the Internet Society notice included in the first page of the paper. The authors are therefore free to post the camera-ready versions of their papers on their personal pages and within their institutional repositories. Reproduction for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited and requires prior consent.

Important Dates

  • 12 August 2016, 11:59 PM EDT (UTC-4:00):  Paper titles and abstracts due
  • 16 August 2016, 11:59 PM EDT (UTC-4:00): Full submissions for technical papers and panels due

Each submission will be acknowledged by email; if acknowledgement is not received within 24 hours, contact the Program Committee chair.

  • 20 September 2016 (tentative): Early notification for submissions rejected in the first round
  • 22 October 2016 (tentative): Final notification of acceptance
  • 26 February – 1 March 2017: NDSS Symposium, San Diego, CA USA

Areas of Interest

Submissions are solicited in, but not limited to, the following areas:

  • Anti-malware techniques: detection, analysis, and prevention
  • Combating cyber-crime: anti-phishing, anti-spam, anti-fraud techniques
  • Security for future Internet architectures and designs (e.g., Software-Defined Networking)
  • High-availability wired and wireless networks
  • Implementation, deployment and management of network security policies
  • Integrating security in Internet protocols: routing, naming, network management
  • Intellectual property protection: protocols, implementations, metering, watermarking, digital rights management
  • Intrusion prevention, detection, and response
  • Privacy and anonymity technologies
  • Security and privacy for distributed cryptocurrencies
  • Security and privacy in social networks
  • Public key infrastructures, key management, certification, and revocation
  • Special problems and case studies: e.g., tradeoffs between security and efficiency, usability, reliability and cost
  • Security for collaborative applications: teleconferencing and video-conferencing
  • Security for cloud computing
  • Security for emerging technologies: sensor/wireless/mobile/personal networks and systems
  • Security for future home networks, Internet of Things, body-area networks
  • Security for large-scale systems and critical infrastructures (e.g., electronic voting, smart grid)
  • Security for peer-to-peer and overlay network systems
  • Security for Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs)
  • Security of Web-based applications and services
  • Trustworthy Computing mechanisms to secure network protocols and distributed systems
  • Usable security and privacy

Paper Formatting

Technical papers submitted for NDSS should be written in English. Papers must not exceed 15 pages in total (including the references and appendices). Papers must be formatted for US letter size (not A4) paper in a two-column layout, with columns no more than 9.25 in. high and 3.5 in. wide. The text must be in Times font, 10-point or larger, with 11-point or larger line spacing. Authors must use the NDSS templates. These templates may be updated by 1 July 2016. Submissions must be in Portable Document Format (.pdf). Authors should pay special attention to unusual fonts, images, and figures that might create problems for reviewers. Documents should render correctly in Adobe Reader when printed in black and white.

Double and Concurrent Submissions

Technical papers must not substantially overlap with papers that have been published or that are simultaneously submitted to a journal or a conference/workshop with proceedings. Double-submission will result in immediate rejection. The Program Committee may share information with other conference chairs and journal editors so as to detect such cases.

Ethical Considerations

If a paper relates to human subjects, analyzes data derived from human subjects, may put humans at risk, or might have other ethical implications or introduce legal issues of potential concern to the NDSS community, authors should disclose if an ethics review (e.g., IRB approval) was conducted, and discuss in the paper how ethical and legal concerns were addressed. If the paper reports a potentially high-impact vulnerability the authors should discuss their plan for responsible disclosure. The chairs will contact the authors in case of major concerns. The Program Committee reserves the right to reject a submission if insufficient evidence was presented that ethical or relevant legal concerns were appropriately addressed.

Anonymous Submissions

NDSS implements a double-blind reviewing process. Author names and affiliations should not appear in the paper. The authors should make a reasonable effort not to reveal their identities or institutional affiliation in the text, figures, photos, links, or other data that is contained in the paper.  Authors’ prior work should be preferably referred to in the third person; if this is not feasible, the references should be blinded.  Submissions that violate these requirements will be rejected without review. The list of authors cannot be changed after the acceptance decision is made unless approved by the Program Chairs.

Conflicts of Interest

Authors and Program Committee members are required to indicate any conflict of interest and its nature. Advisors and advisees, as well as authors and PC members with an institutional relationship are considered to share a conflict of interest. Professional collaborations (irrespective of whether they resulted in a publication) that occurred in the past 3 years and close personal relationships equally constitute a conflict of interest. PC members, including chairs that have a conflict of interest with a paper, will be entirely excluded from the evaluation of that paper. The PC chair and shadow chair are not allowed to submit to the conference. Declaring conflicts of interest in order to prevent submissions from being reviewed by selected PC members is not allowed and can constitute grounds for rejection. If authors have concerns about the fair treatment of their submissions, they should instead contact the chairs and provide convincing arguments for any special consideration that they are requesting.

Early Rejection Notification

The review process will consist of several reviewing rounds. In order to allow authors time to improve their work and submit to other venues, authors of submissions for which there is a consensus on rejection will be notified earlier (tentatively by 20 September 2016).

Papers that are not accepted as full technical papers may be invited by the Program Committee to be presented at the conference as short talks. Extended abstracts of such papers will appear on the Internet Society website but not in the proceedings. Priority will be given to papers that have fresh, unconventional ideas.

Panel Proposals

Panel proposals should be one page and must describe the topic, identify the panel chair, explain the panel format, and list three to four potential panelists. A description of each panel will appear on the Internet Society website but not in the proceedings, and may, at the discretion of the panel chair, include written position statements from the panelists.

Submission Site and Contact

Submissions of papers and panels:

PC chair contact: