[The call for papers is closed. See the final DISS agenda.]

The success of the Internet of Things (IoT) depends significantly on solving the underlying security and privacy challenges. Due to their scale of deployment and limited resources, some of these systems will be extremely challenging to secure. One key aspect is decentralization, as many if not most of IoT scenarios include intermittent connectivity. Furthermore, decentralized security may help to overcome privacy concerns and scalability bottlenecks, both of which become increasingly serious in large-scale deployments, such as smart cities or Industry 4.0.

A decentralized approach to IoT security brings forth many opportunities but also challenges, such as operating with constrained device and network capabilities, state synchronization, and trust management.

At the same time, many IoT standards are now under development and decisions are being made today which will have long-term impact on the security of these systems. Of particular interest are open standards (e.g., IETF CoAP, OCF, and LWM2M), developed by organizations such as the IETF and the W3C including W3C Web of Things. Many of these open standards implicitly or explicitly support metadata and have interoperability as goals. These features widen the scope and enhance the utility of these standards, but also raise new security and privacy issues that need to be discussed and addressed. Systems composed of multiple standards also raise challenges: for example, how to maintain security across bridges and how to evaluate trust across standards boundaries.

Following the spirit of NDSS, the goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners to analyze and discuss the potential and limits of decentralized security in the IoT, especially in the light of ongoing standardisation work and wider systems interoperability.

The proposed topics include the following:

    • Enabling secure interoperability across IoT ecosystems, including
      • Applying blockchains and Distributed Ledger Technology to IoT infrastructure
      • Security and availability in multi-tiered IoT edge networks (“fog computing”)
      • Peer-to-Peer security and privacy (P2P) in IoT
      • Decentralized trust and rights management, including access control
      • Decentralized authentication and access management at the IoT edge
    • Security and privacy in ongoing IoT standardisation work, including
      • Security and privacy in W3C Web of Things, OCF, IETF CoRE and ACE, etc.
      • Semantic modeling and descriptive approaches for security
      • Convergence/divergence between web, fog, cloud, and IoT security standards
      • Decentralized IoT security architectures for 5G Networks
      • Privacy, identity, and metadata management
      • Integrating “multi-standard” systems with different levels of security and trust
    • Other topics related to decentralized security and standardization in IoT, such as
      • Security and privacy trade-offs related to IoT scalability and decentralization
      • Secure Service provisioning and migration in IoT
      • Sensor and Actuator Key Management and other Security Protocols
      • Smart Contracts for IoT, including formal verification of smart contracts
      • Application of concepts from outside of the IoT to decentralized IoT security
      • Usable security for decentralized IoT

Submission Instructions

The workshop will accept position papers between three to six pages in length, for publication in post-workshop proceedings. Proceedings will be published by the Internet Society. Papers shall be submitted for review in print-ready form using the NDSS paper template and otherwise follow the NDSS paper standards. For a paper to be published, at least one of the authors must attend the entire workshop, the paper must be revised based on the discussion at the workshop, and the revised paper must be submitted in time for the publication deadline.

Please send submissions to:  https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ndssdiss2018

Important dates and venue

Abstract submission: 01 December 2017
Paper Submissions Due: 08 December 2017 (extended to 11 December 2017)
Acceptance/Rejection Notice to Authors: 13 January 2018
Revised papers due for publication:

The workshop is co-located with NDSS 2018, taking place Catamaran Resort Hotel and Spa in San Diego, California, on February 18th, 2018.

Organizing committee

Carsten Bormann, Universität Bremen
Dirk Kutscher, Huawei German Research Center
Michael McCool, Intel
Pekka Nikander, Aalto University
George C. Polyzos, Athens University of Economics and Business
Thomas C. Schmidt, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences
Matthias Wählisch, Freie Universität Berlin

For any questions regarding the workshop, feel free to contact the organizing committee: 

Program committee

Olaf Bergmann, TZI
Thorsten Dahm, Google
Oscar Garcia-Morchon, Philipps
Raja Jurdak, CSIRO
Matthias Kovatsch, ETH Zurich / Siemens AG
Michał Król, UCL
Barry Leiba, Huawei
Samuel Marchal, Aalto University
Jörg Ott, TU Munich
Oliver Pfaff, Siemens
Shahid Raza, RISE Research Institute
Elena Reshetova, Intel
Eve Schooler, Intel
Göran Selander, Ericsson
Mohit Sethi, Ericsson
Angelos Stavrou, GMU
Davor Svetinovic, Masdar Institute, Khalifa University of Science and Technology
Hannes Tschofening, ARM
Florian Tschorsch, TU Berlin
Christian Tschudin, University of Basel
Gene Tsudik, University of California, Irvine