High-quality poster presentations are an important part of NDSS.  We solicit poster abstracts that present recent and late-breaking research on topics relevant to NDSS.  We also welcome authors of recent (2015, 2016) papers on computer security to present their work at the NDSS poster session.  At the conference, best posters will be honored with prizes.

Poster Session Co-chairs

Manuel Egele, Boston University
Michelle Mazurek, University of Maryland at College Park

Important Dates and Submission Site:

Submission deadline: January 26, 2016, 11:59pm Eastern Time
Notification of poster acceptance: February 1, 2016
Submission site: ndss-posters.andrew.cmu.edu

Submission requirements

Poster abstract: Poster abstracts of up to two pages should be formatted like technical papers (see http://www.internetsociety.org/ndss-2016-call-papers), but not anonymized; titles should start with the keyword “Poster:”  Poster abstracts will appear on the Internet Society website prior to the conference, but will not be included in the conference proceedings.  For posters on previously published papers, please submit a document with the full bibliographical citation (title, authors, venue, etc.), a link to the published (official) version, and an abstract. All submissions must be in PDF format.

Poster draft:  All submissions (including recently published research) must include a draft of the poster to receive feedback before the conference. Presented posters should be sized 32×40 inches, but should be scaled down to normal size (A4 or letter) for submission as a PDF.

Contact ndss-posters@elists.isoc.org with any questions.