NDSS Symposium 1997 Program

Hypermedia Proceedings, Slides, and Summary Report

Copyright © 1997 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Reprinted from The Proceedings of the 1997 Symposium on Network and Distributed Systems Security. This material is posted here with permission of the IEEE. Internal or personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution must be obtained from the IEEE by sending a blank email message to info.pub.permission@ieee.org By choosing to view this document, you agree to all provisions of the copyright laws protecting it.

Session 1: Things That Go Bump In The Net

Chair: Stephen T. Kent – BBN Corporation

Experimental Results of Covert Channel Limitation in One-Way Communication Systems

N. Ogurtsov, H. Orman, R. Schroeppel, S. O’Malley, and O. Spatscheck

Blocking Java Applets at the Firewall

D.M. Martin Jr., S. Rajagopalan, and A.D. Rubin

Continuous Assessment of a Unix Configuration: Integrating Intrusion Detection and Configuration Analysis

A. Mounji and B. Le Charlier

Session 2: Panel – Security Of Downloadable Executable Content

Chair: Aviel D. Rubin – Bellcore

Session 3: Protocol Implementation And Analysis

Chair: Christoph Schuba – Purdue University

An Interface Specification Language for Automatically Analyzing Cryptographic Protocols

S.H. Brackin

Probable Plaintext Cryptanalysis of the IP Security Protocols

S.M. Bellovin

Misplaced Trust: Kerberos 4 Session Keys

B. Dole, S. Lodin, and E. Spafford

Session 4: Panel – Security Of The Internet Infrastructure

Chair: Russ Mundy – Trusted Information Systems

Session 5: Routing Security

Chair: Hilarie Orman – DARPA/ITO

Securing the Nimrod Routing Architecture

K.E. Sirois and S.T. Kent

Securing Distance-Vector Routing Protocols

B.R. Smith, S. Murthy, and J.J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves

Reducing the Cost of Security in Link-State Routing

R. Hauser, T. Przygienda, and G. Tsudik

Session 6: Security For The World Wide Web

Chair: Win Treese – OpenMarket, Inc.

Securing Web Access with DCE

B.C. Schimpf

Panel – Security and the World Wide Web

Chair: Win Treese – OpenMarket, Inc.

  • Fred Avolio – Trusted Information Systems
  • Barbara Fox – Microsoft (slides
  • Brian Schimpf – Gradient

Session 7: Public Key Management

Chair: Jonathan Trostle – CyberSafe

Hierarchical Organization of Certification Authorities for Secure Environments

L. Lopez and J. Carracedo

Trust Models in ICE-TEL

A. Young, N.K. Cicovic, and D. Chadwick (abstract, slides

Distributed Authentication in Kerberos Using Public Key Cryptography

M.A. Sirbu and J.C.-I. Chuang (abstract, slides)

Session 8: Panel – Web Privacy And Anonymity

Chair: B. Clifford Neuman – USC Information Sciences Institute (abstract, slides)

  • Jean Camp – Sandia National Laboratories
  • Peter G. Neumann – SRI International
  • Gene Tsudik – USC Information Sciences Institute

Paper/Panel Index

  • An Interface Specification Language for Automatically Analyzing Cryptographic Protocols
  • Blocking Java Applets at the Firewall
  • Continuous Assessment of a Unix Configuration: Integrating Intrusion Detection and Configuration Analysis
  • Distributed Authentication in Kerberos Using Public Key Cryptography
  • Experimental Results of Covert Channel Limitation in One-Way Communication Systems
  • Hierarchical Organization of Certification Authorities for Secure Environments
  • Misplaced Trust: Kerberos 4 Session Keys
  • Panel – Security and the World Wide Web
  • Panel – Security Of Downloadable Executable Content
  • Panel – Security Of The Internet Infrastructure
  • Panel – Web Privacy And Anonymity
  • Probable Plaintext Cryptanalysis of the IP Security Protocols
  • Reducing the Cost of Security in Link-State Routing
  • Securing Distance-Vector Routing Protocols
  • Securing the Nimrod Routing Architecture
  • Securing Web Access with DCE
  • Trust Models in ICE-TEL