Dr. David Brumley, Carnegie Mellon University - ForAllSecure

My 17 years of binary analysis has taught me one thing: “easy” things in compilation and program analysis are often the “hard” things in binary analysis. Want to analyze assembly? Write an IL (oh my)! Want to perform static analysis? Let’s implement this data-flow analysis from the dragon book (oh wait...). The experiments seem to be working out except this case, but that’s just an engineering issue (wait, there really is a fundamental science problem there...). Want to transition this tool to practice? I’ll just open source it (oh, maintaining is hard work). I could make a company out of that (uh, customers aren’t asking to solve the hard scientific problems, they just want it to work). I’ll share some hilariously naive mindsets I had, and share some dinosaur-sized research problems that can (mistakenly) look like just small bugs. Where do we go? What’s the next step in the evolution of binary analysis to truly be able to find and fix vulnerabilities in software we all use?

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Similarity Metric Method for Binary Basic Blocks of Cross-Instruction...

Xiaochuan Zhang (Artificial Intelligence Research Center, National Innovation Institute of Defense Technology), Wenjie Sun (State Key Laboratory of Mathematical Engineering and Advanced Computing), Jianmin Pang (State Key Laboratory of Mathematical Engineering and Advanced Computing), Fudong Liu (State Key Laboratory of Mathematical Engineering and Advanced Computing), Zhen Ma (State Key Laboratory of Mathematical Engineering and Advanced…

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Investigating Graph Embedding Neural Networks with Unsupervised Features Extraction...

Luca Massarelli (Sapienza University of Rome), Giuseppe A. Di Luna (CINI - National Laboratory of Cybersecurity), Fabio Petroni (Independent Researcher), Leonardo Querzoni (Sapienza University of Rome), Roberto Baldoni (Italian Presidency of Ministry Council)

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A Cross-Architecture Instruction Embedding Model for Natural Language Processing-Inspired...

Kimberly Redmond (University of South Carolina), Lannan Luo (University of South Carolina), Qiang Zeng (University of South Carolina)

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Rapid Vulnerability Mitigation with Security Workarounds

Zhen Huang (Pennsylvania State University), Gang Tan (Pennsylvania State University)

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