Dr. Patrick Gage Kelley is the Head of Research Strategy for Trust & Safety at Google. He has worked on projects that help us better understand how people think about their data and safety online. These include projects on the use and design of user-friendly privacy displays, passwords, location-sharing, mobile apps, encryption, technology ethics, designing products for people with the most significant digital safety risks, and most recently on people's relationship and understanding of AI. Patrick’s work on redesigning privacy policies in the style of nutrition labels was included in the 2009 Annual Privacy Papers for Policymakers event on Capitol Hill.

Previously, he was a professor of Computer Science at the University of New Mexico and faculty at the UNM ARTSLab and received his Ph.D. from Carnegie Mellon University working with the Mobile Commerce Lab and the CyLab Usable Privacy and Security (CUPS) Lab. He was an early researcher at Wombat Security Technologies, now a part of Proofpoint, and has also been at NYU, Intel Labs, and the National Security Agency.

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Mysticeti: Reaching the Latency Limits with Uncertified DAGs

Kushal Babel (Cornell Tech & IC3), Andrey Chursin (Mysten Labs), George Danezis (Mysten Labs & University College London (UCL)), Anastasios Kichidis (Mysten Labs), Lefteris Kokoris-Kogias (Mysten Labs & IST Austria), Arun Koshy (Mysten Labs), Alberto Sonnino (Mysten Labs & University College London (UCL)), Mingwei Tian (Mysten Labs)

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MOBIDOJO: A Virtual Security Combat Platform for 5G Cellular...

Hyunwoo Lee (Ohio State University), Haohuang Wen (Ohio State University), Phillip Porras (SRI), Vinod Yegneswaran (SRI), Ashish Gehani (SRI), Prakhar Sharma (SRI), Zhiqiang Lin (Ohio State University)

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Target-Centric Firmware Rehosting with Penguin

Andrew Fasano, Zachary Estrada, Luke Craig, Ben Levy, Jordan McLeod, Jacques Becker, Elysia Witham, Cole DiLorenzo, Caden Kline, Ali Bobi (MIT Lincoln Laboratory), Dinko Dermendzhiev (Georgia Institute of Technology), Tim Leek (MIT Lincoln Laboratory), William Robertson (Northeastern University)

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Automatic Insecurity: Exploring Email Auto-configuration in the Wild

Shushang Wen (School of Cyber Science and Technology, University of Science and Technology of China), Yiming Zhang (Tsinghua University), Yuxiang Shen (School of Cyber Science and Technology, University of Science and Technology of China), Bingyu Li (School of Cyber Science and Technology, Beihang University), Haixin Duan (Tsinghua University; Zhongguancun Laboratory), Jingqiang Lin (School of Cyber…

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