Alireza Mohammadi (University of Michigan-Dearborn) and Hafiz Malik (University of Michigan-Dearborn)

Motivated by ample evidence in the automotive cybersecurity literature that the car brake ECUs can be maliciously reprogrammed, it has been shown that an adversary who can directly control the frictional brake actuators can induce wheel lockup conditions despite having a limited knowledge of the tire-road interaction characteristics. In this paper, we investigate the destabilizing effect of such wheel lockup attacks on the lateral motion stability of vehicles from a robust stability perspective. Furthermore, we propose a quadratic programming (QP) problem that the adversary can solve for finding the optimal destabilizing longitudinal slip reference values.

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An In-Depth Analysis on Adoption of Attack Mitigations in...

Ruotong Yu (Stevens Institute of Technology, University of Utah), Yuchen Zhang, Shan Huang (Stevens Institute of Technology)

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Fine-Grained Coverage-Based Fuzzing

Bernard Nongpoh (Université Paris Saclay), Marwan Nour (Université Paris Saclay), Michaël Marcozzi (Université Paris Saclay), Sébastien Bardin (Université Paris Saclay)

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Demo #6: Impact of Stealthy Attacks on Autonomous Robotic...

Pritam Dash, Mehdi Karimibiuki, and Karthik Pattabiraman (University of British Columbia)

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