Ziwen Wan (UC Irvine), Junjie Shen (UC Irvine), Jalen Chuang (UC Irvine), Xin Xia (UCLA), Joshua Garcia (UC Irvine), Jiaqi Ma (UCLA) and Qi Alfred Chen (UC Irvine)

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WeepingCAN: A Stealthy CAN Bus-off Attack

Gedare Bloom (University of Colorado Colorado Springs) Best Paper Award Winner ($300 cash prize)!

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Denial-of-Service Attacks on C-V2X Networks

Natasa Trkulja, David Starobinski (Boston University), and Randall Berry (Northwestern University)

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GPSKey: GPS based Secret Key Establishment for Intra-Vehicle Environment

Edwin Yang (University of Oklahoma) and Song Fang (University of Oklahoma)

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