June De La Cruz (INSPIRIT Lab, University of Denver), Sanchari Das (INSPIRIT Lab, University of Denver)

Gamification is an interactive technology that enhances the user experience by designing modular objectives into game-design elements. In the same manner, gamification has the potential to enhance cybersecurity Awareness for neurodiverse individuals and people with disabilities by using Assistive Technology (AT) to achieve reward-system objectives. To understand further, we conducted a detailed systematization of knowledge (SoK) on 71 peer-reviewed publications concentrating research efforts to increase cybersecurity awareness through accessible gamification. The findings of this SoK establish fundamental components required to address the inclusive nature of gamification in cybersecurity and thereby identify requirements gathering objectives for impacting increased results in raising cybersecurity awareness. After a methodical process of iterative screening and manual analysis in this targeted subject matter, we found that only 9 out of the 71 gamified cybersecurity research initiatives directly address “accessibility” and the implementation methods for game-design elements that would facilitate accessible user-experience. Moreover, a cross-functional Learning Management System (LMS) and Modular Reward System can be optimized by data formulated through a Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) for people with disabilities using AT. Lastly, we propose that a modular training format should effectively engage and facilitate user interface and user experience despite context-oriented limitations on physical.

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D-Box: DMA-enabled Compartmentalization for Embedded Applications

Alejandro Mera (Northeastern University), Yi Hui Chen (Northeastern University), Ruimin Sun (Northeastern University), Engin Kirda (Northeastern University), Long Lu (Northeastern University)

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Security When it is Welcome: Exploring Device Purchase as...

Simon Parkin (University College London); Elissa M. Redmiles (University of Maryland); Lynne Coventry (Northumbria University); M. Angela Sasse (Ruhr University Bochum and University College London)

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What Makes Phishing Simulation Campaigns (Un)Acceptable? A Vignette Experiment

Jasmin Schwab (German Aerospace Center (DLR)), Alexander Nussbaum (University of the Bundeswehr Munich), Anastasia Sergeeva (University of Luxembourg), Florian Alt (University of the Bundeswehr Munich and Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich), and Verena Distler (Aalto University)

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Fuzzing Configurations of Program Options

Zenong Zhang (University of Texas at Dallas), George Klees (University of Maryland), Eric Wang (Poolesville High School), Michael Hicks (University of Maryland), Shiyi Wei (University of Texas at Dallas)

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