Adam Doupé

Since the dawn of the web miscreants have used this new communication medium to defraud unsuspecting users. The most common of these attacks is phishing: creating a fake login form to steal username/passwords for high-value targets such as email, social networking, or financial services. This seemingly low-skill attack still, to this day, is responsible for vast amounts of fraud and harm.

In this talk, I will cover the history of the cat-and-mouse game of phishing, touching on why, after more than a decade of research, phishing attacks are still the most common ways that end-users are directly victimized and attacked. We will discuss the advanced nature of server-side cloaking employed by phishers, as well as the PhishFarm framework which allows us to empirically measure the effect of cloaking techniques on browser-based blocking. Then, we will discuss the first end-to-end measurement of a phishing timeline: from a phishing website being deployed to credentials being used fraudulently. Finally, we'll discuss how phishers have adapted to the COVID-19 pandemic and the next generation of sophisticated phishing attacks.

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