Natasa Trkulja, David Starobinski (Boston University), and Randall Berry (Northwestern University)

Cellular Vehicle-to-Everything (C-V2X) has been adopted by the FCC as the technology standard for safetyrelated transportation and vehicular communications in the US. C-V2X allows vehicles to self-manage the network in absence of a cellular base-station. Since C-V2X networks convey safety-critical messages, it is crucial to assess their security posture. This work contributes a novel set of Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks on CV2X networks. The attacks are caused by adversarial resource block selection and vary in sophistication and efficiency. In particular, we consider “oblivious” adversaries that ignore recent transmission activity on resource blocks, “smart” adversaries that do monitor activity on each resource block, and “cooperative” adversaries that work together to ensure they attack different targets. We analyze and simulate these attacks to showcase their effectiveness. Assuming a fixed number of attackers, we show that at low vehicle density, smart and cooperative attacks can significantly impact network performance, while at high vehicle density, oblivious attacks are almost as effective as the more sophisticated attacks.

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Oblivious DNS over HTTPS (ODoH): A Practical Privacy Enhancement...

Sudheesh Singanamalla*†, Suphanat Chunhapanya*, Jonathan Hoyland*, Marek Vavruša*, Tanya Verma*, Peter Wu*, Marwan Fayed*, Kurtis Heimerl†, Nick Sullivan*, Christopher Wood* (*Cloudflare Inc. †University of Washington)

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C^2SR: Cybercrime Scene Reconstruction for Post-mortem Forensic Analysis

Yonghwi Kwon (University of Virginia), Weihang Wang (University at Buffalo, SUNY), Jinho Jung (Georgia Institute of Technology), Kyu Hyung Lee (University of Georgia), Roberto Perdisci (Georgia Institute of Technology and University of Georgia)

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LaKSA: A Probabilistic Proof-of-Stake Protocol

Daniel Reijsbergen (Singapore University of Technology and Design), Pawel Szalachowski (Singapore University of Technology and Design), Junming Ke (University of Tartu), Zengpeng Li (Singapore University of Technology and Design), Jianying Zhou (Singapore University of Technology and Design)

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