Workshop on Binary Analysis Research (BAR 2024)

Co-located with NDSS Symposium 2024, San Diego, CA

With the analysis of binary code more relevant than ever due to the proliferation of interconnected embedded devices, closed-source commercial and legacy software, and evasive malware and cyber-threats, the field of binary analysis has recently undergone a renaissance. The last decade has seen the emergence of well over a dozen binary analysis frameworks, leaving our world with more mature binary analysis platforms today than there are web browsers! Academic research groups, government and industrial labs, and independent researchers around the globe continue to push the envelope of binary analysis. Yet, this binary analysis gold rush has evolved in a largely uncoordinated manner, leaving much of our community unconnected and working alone in isolation.


Calls for papers for BAR 2024, open until 15 January 2024.

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Organizing Committee, Technical Program Committee, and Steering Committee.

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